Why Building Your Personal Development Toolbox is a Game-Changer

Issue 17

Hello my fulfillment-finding friends!

Personal development isn't just about reading books or attending seminars. It's about building a toolbox that you can use to improve yourself every day.

I’ve spent years reading countless self-help books, blogs, and watching YouTube videos. However, consuming all of that doesn’t do anything if there is no action in response.

I love learning and I’m always happy to try new things. But, I’m in the process of taking those learnings to build my personal development toolbox. What are the most useful resources for me to have handy?

One of the items in my toolbox is EFT tapping, which I learned about from Tap with Jason:

Your toolbox doesn’t have to be filled right away, but what is one thing you can add this week? Trust me, building this will change your life!

Weekly affirmations:

❤️ I am constantly adding to my personal development toolbox to become the best version of myself

❤️ I am confident and capable of taking action on the things I’m learning

❤️ My mind and body are at peace


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