Let's talk about goals - I want the best for you

Issue 12

Hello my fulfillment-finding friends!

I’m a sucker for any new book, YouTube video, or blog about goal-setting. I’m always on the lookout for new ways of thinking, growing, and improving.

But the best way I’ve found to succeed is by sharing and staying accountable. Some people will advocate keeping your cards close to you, and perhaps there are situations where that’s best. However, I believe that writing it down, talking about it with supporters, and making steady and small progress is ultimately the way to reach those larger targets.

So how can you do this?

Find a buddy, a partner, or a support system to keep you on your toes and check-in. Many programs to achieve goals are built around the idea of community.

How am I doing this now?

I write on Medium - perhaps that’s how you found this newsletter?

Since my weekly accountability partner and I are no longer meeting, I’m giving the community approach a go. I created a new publication on Medium called Weekly Goals and Wins. I’d love for you to join me there!


Thanks for subscribing and going on this entrepreneurial journey with me!


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